What is Local Maladies in Homeopathy?

Local maladies or local diseases are one-sided diseases, where changes and ailments appear on the external parts of the body. Local maladies are not purely local in nature but the rest of the body also participates in the development of the disease process. All parts of the organism are interdependent; no symptom will develop exclusively independently.

Some disturbance in one part may generate changes in the other parts of the body also. In each and every disease the entire organism reacts as a whole. So the local diseases are not truly local.

What is Local Maladies in Homeopathy?

Types of Local Maladies

These can be grouped into two types

  1. Local maladies because of an external cause
  2. Local maladies because of internal cause 

1. Local maladies because of an external cause

There are some local maladies that, in their first context itself appear to be local.

Example: In cases of mild skin injuries, it remains purely local. Owing to the mildness of the symptoms, the vital force can aid it without any medicinal help.

On the contrary, if the local maladies are because of severe types of external injuries, a revolution takes place in the entire organism. The whole organism reacts and there appears a protective general response like fever, malaise, etc. If the injury of the external cause is of a severe type, even surgical aid may be needed.


i. Reducing the dislocation in some joint areas.

ii. In deep cut wounds the suturing and proper dressing.

iii. In the case of cut arteries mechanical pressure and bandaging to stop the hemorrhage.

iv. In case of occlusion of foreign bodies in some soft parts of the body, removal by surgical means.

v. In case of fractured bones, appropriation, and the proper bandage is needed, etc.

In such cases, also along with the mechanical and surgical aid, proper homeopathic dynamic medicines have to be given to assist the vital force in recovery. It is a common example that a patient with severe contusions and lacerated muscles will develop a fever. This type of fever has to be smoothened by the use of dynamic homeopathic remedies. In case of scalds and burns along with the local cleanliness and hygiene, internal dynamic medicines can be administered to prevent shock.

2. Local maladies because of internal cause

This is the second group of local maladies where the physician cannot notice any type of external cause like injury or accident. Here, the cause is purely internal and dynamic.

Example: eruptions on the lip and whitlow, etc. Such local diseases where the external causes could not be traced out must be treated with internal remedies to achieve a judicious, sure, efficient and radical cure.

i. A suitable homeopathic medicine in such cases, will not only cure the local maladies but also improve the general health of the patient.

ii. For the selection of such remedy, an inquiry of the exact character of the local affection and a thorough investigation of the patient’s disposition must be enquired, like in any other dynamic chronic disease.

iii. Based on the totality of symptoms when the selected dynamic medicine is administered, it will radically cure the local malady as well as improve the general condition of the patient.

iv. In local maladies of the second variety, it is not at all advisable to use any kind of external applications. Even the internally administered similimum remedy cannot be applied externally. Only the internal use of dynamic homeopathic remedies alone is sufficient to bring about the cure. If such a cure is not brought out, then psora has to be considered as the cause

v. In local maladies of psoric origin, the anti-psoric treatment is the only solution. Administration of such anti-psoric medicines has to be done in succession i.e. each medicine has to be administered after one has completed its action.

vi. The external applications are not allowed not only in psoric cases but also in syphilitic as well as sycotic types. This is because if a local application is given the chief presenting complaint will disappear, leaving the internally present miasmatic disease uncured. So judicious and ideal cure is not possible.

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