What is Mixed Miasmatic diseases in Homeopathy?

Psoric miasms are the most ancient miasm that has penetrated through several constitutions and passed through several generations. This miasm infects everyone on this earth. Psora produces functional disorders. The structural, especially extensive structural changes and pathological abnormalities result when […]

About Dr. B. K. Bose (Homeopath)

Dr. B.K.Bose is one of the eminent Indian homeopaths. He was born in 1879. During his student life, he was actively involved in Indian political activities. As a result, he left for France and from there to the U.S.A. expecting […]

About Dr. William Boericke (Homeopath)

William Boericke, an eminent and famous American homeopath was born in Austria, on November 26, 1849. He studied for a period of one year at the Vienna Medical School and later immigrated to the United States. Here he settled in […]

Biography of Dr. Cyrus Maxwell Boger

Dr. Cyrus Maxwell Boger was born in western Pennsylvania on the 13th day of May 1861. His parents were Cyrus and Isabelle Maxwell Boger. He received his elementary education in the public schools of Lebanon. He graduated in pharmacy from […]

Biography of Dr. Stuart Close

Stuart Close was born on November 24, 1860, in Brooklyn, New York, a native of Oakfield, Wisconsin. He belonged to an ancient English family of agricultural origin though he spent his life in America. His parents were David and Sophronia […]