Massage and Bath – Homeopathy

The importance of massages and baths is significantly explained by master Hahnemann in the aphorisms 290 and 291 of the Organon of Medicine. Let’s understand them


The massages of different types are useful to patients who are cured of their chronic illness, but still suffering from loss of flesh (loss of weight), weakness of digestion and lack of sleep, etc.

Practical uses: The vigorous, good-natured person will give the massage by separately grasping and moderately pressing the muscles of the limb, breast, and back. This he does to arouse the life principle to reach and restore the tone of muscles, blood, and lymph vessels. The mesmeric effect is the chief feature of this massage and it must not be used in excess in patients still hypersensitive.


Baths of pure water act as palliatives. They act partly as homeopathic means in acute diseases as well as in the convalescence of chronic diseases. Baths help in the restoration of health. Their effects depend on the temperature of the water used and duration and the repetition of the exposure to the bath. Repeated usage can bring some physically observable changes only. Baths are not having any known powers of curing.

Hahnemann comments in the introduction to the 1 st edition, “Alberts relates that a warm bath of 100 Farh greately reduced the burning heat of an acute fever with pulse of 130 per minute and that it brought the pulse down to 110, loffler found hot fomentations very useful in encephalitis”.

Practical use:

  1. Lukewarm baths: In the frozen, drowned and suffocated cases, the nerve fibers will be in the benumbed state. Lukewarm baths at 25 to 27° C. serve to arouse the nerves to a normal state. In cases of irritability and uneven distribution of life force in some organs like hysteric spasms and infantile convulsions, baths may give homeopathic aid.
  2. Cold baths: In those persons who are cured of chronic diseases with the help of medicines and yet deficient vital heat, cold baths at 10 to 6° C. may give a homeopathic aid. Baths can be used as effective palliative means. First, they palliate instantaneously and then with repeated immersions to restore the tone of the exhausted fiber. The baths can be used for a few minutes and gradually in lower temperatures. Violent reactions cannot be expected by baths because they act physically and not dynamically

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