What happens when two diseases meet in body? – Homeopathy

Let’s divide the disease into 2 different segments based on their manifestation i.e similar and dissimilar. Now understand in detail each case


What happens when two disease meet in body? - Homeopathy

Nature’s law of cure purely explains that only a similar disease can cure a disease, whereas two dissimilar diseases either suppress or palliate or together form a complex disease. The cure is not possible in such conditions. In proof of his statement that two dissimilar diseases can never cure each other, Hahnemann gives some observations of his senior physicians.

Three possibilities may happen when two dissimilar diseases meet inside an organism:

1 st possibility: If the older disease is stronger, the newer weaker disease is repelled and not allowed to enter inside the organism. In short, the stronger repels the weaker.

2 nd possibility: If the older disease is weaker, the stronger newer disease can easily enter the organism and suspend the older disease. In short, the stronger suspends the weaker.

3 rd possibility: Two diseases of equal strength, after a long period, the new dissimilar disease joins the older one and forms “(double) complex disease”.

1 st Possibility (§ 36): Repulsion

If the older disease is stronger, the newer weaker disease is repelled and not allowed to enter inside the organism. In short, the stronger repels the weaker. When two dissimilar diseases of equal strength or the older one is/are stronger than the newer disease meets inside a body, the older disease does not allow the newer one inside the organism. It repels the newer disease from entering the body.

Example (§ 36)

1. A patient suffering from the chronic disease will not be affected by simple autumnal dysentery or mild epidemic.

2. Dr. Larry observed that the plague of Levant did not affect the area where disease scurvy was prevalent. Further, he observed that the persons suffering from eczema were not affected by it.

3. Jenner observed that rachitis prevented the vaccination from taking effect.

4. According to Von Hilden, the patients suffering from pulmonary consumption are not liable to be attacked by epidemic fevers of mild varieties.

From the above examples, it is clearly evident that the older stronger disease will never allow the weaker newer disease from entering if both are dissimilar in their manifestations. The allopathic dissimilar medicines when administered in small doses will never produce any effect. Hence, they are administered in large physiological doses.

Despite this, allopathy is not curative therapy and the following 2nd possibility will explain how? (§ 37).

2nd Possibility (§ 38): Suppression

If the older disease is weaker, the stronger newer disease can easily enter the organism and suspend the older disease. In short, the stronger suspends the weaker. If the disease which is already present inside the body is weaker, then the newer stronger disease can easily enter the body and complete its course. After the course of the new disease is over, the older disease resurfaces and continues to produce its symptoms.


1. Dr. Tulpius observed that two children who were suffering from epilepsy remained free from epileptic fits, as long as they had tinea (ringworm). When the ringworm infection was removed, epilepsy again resurfaced.

2. Schopf observed that a case of itch disappeared when scurvy attached the same person. Again, when the scurvy was gone the itch reoccurred.

3. The same way pulmonary phthisis remained in control when the patient was attacked with a violent form of typhoid. But the phthisis advanced when typhoid got well.

4. It was observed again that the mania keeps the phthisis under control, it reappears when the mania gets cured.

5. Measles and smallpox suppress each other. If measles, attack a child who is already suffering from smallpox, measles suppresses smallpox and runs its course. After the completion of the course of measles, smallpox resurfaces. The same thing happens in vice versa if smallpox attacks a child already suffering from measles.

6. Scarlatina and cowpox behave in the same way as stated in the above example of smallpox and measles.

7. Kortum observed that inoculation of cowpox in a patient suppressed measles. The same measles reappeared after the course of cowpox was over.

8. Hahnemann himself observed that mumps (angina parotidea) immediately disappeared when cowpox inoculation worked well. After the termination of the cowpox, mumps again reappeared for seven days with all its symptoms.

Allopaths with their stronger medicines, create stronger dissimilar diseases in the patient’s body. These medicinal diseases keep the natural disease suppressed for a long period of time. After the medicinal power is over, the natural disease comes again into action. So, in this system cure is not possible. But the dissimilar procedure adopted by the allopaths makes the condition of the patient worse and incurable. ‘

Example: Pechlin observed that the allopaths suppressed epilepsy through issues. But epilepsy reappeared once the issue got healed. It indicates that the issue suppressed epilepsy as long as it persisted.

3 rd possibility (§ 40): Double Complex Disease

Two dissimilar diseases of equal strength, after acting for a long period, join with each other and form “Double complex disease”. In this state, each disease occupies the most suitable and adaptable place in the same organism separately. In (double) complex disease, two dissimilar diseases cannot share a commonplace inside the organism. But they try to occupy their suitable tissues or organs inside the body.


1. When the psoric eruption starts appearing, the venereal syphilitic symptoms will get controlled. But in a course of time, both join together and each occupies the part of the body that is most suitable for it. This makes the patient’s condition more incurable and complicated.

2. P. Russel reports a single case of an epidemic where both smallpox and measles prevailed in the same patient. Dr. J. Maurice says he has seen only two such cases in his whole medical practice.

3. Zenker reports about the occurrence of cowpox, measles, and purpura together.

4. Dr. Jenner observed a successful attack of cowpox and its course in a patient who is under mercurial treatment for syphilis. Syphilis and cowpox occurred simultaneously.

5. The same thing happens with the long-continued allopathic medications. The medicinal disease joins with the miasmatic disease and forms a double complex disease, leaving the patient incurable (§ 41).

6. Syphilitic patients, when treated with large doses of mercury, get the side effects of crude mercury along with the syphilitic manifestations which are very difficult to cure (footnote to § 41). Even in nature, we can observe (double) complex diseases (§ 42).


When two similar diseases meet inside the organism, the result is opposite to the result of the dissimilar diseases. Hahnemann says the physicians have to learn lessons from such results (§ 43). When two similar diseases meet inside the organism, they can neither throw each other nor control each other nor complicate each other.

Moreover, there is no question of the formation of (double) complex disease. The ultimate result is that the stronger similar disease permanently annihilates the weaker similar disease. This explanation is more suitable for the dynamic phenomenon (§ 44).


Supposing the vital force is suffering from a weaker disease called A. If the same vital force affects a stronger similar disease called B, the similar disease A and B can neither repel, nor suspend each other. But the disease B, which is similar and stronger to disease A, permanently replaces the weaker disease A.

No other possibility can be seen in such conditions. So in conclusion, when two similar diseases meet inside the organism, the stronger one permanently removes the weaker one. This is clearly based on nature’s law of cure, “A weaker dynamic affection is permanently extinguished in the living organism by a stronger one, if the latter (whilst differing in kind) is very similar to the former in its manifestations”.

This phenomenon is very much closer to the homeopathic law of cure “let likes be cured by likes”. Cure results when a suitable homeopathic remedy is administered to the patient in a slightly stronger dose than the miasmatic disease. This happens because the stronger similar medicine permanently removes the weaker miasmatic disease.


1. The light of a lamp becomes faded when the powerful light of the sun falls on the retina (footnote to § 45).

2. Hahnemann in § 46 mentions some of the accidental homeopathic cures observed by several physicians. Dezoteux a physician states that smallpox produces violent ophthalmia and even causes blindness. When the same smallpox is inoculated in a case of ophthalmia, it cured the condition permanently.

3. Dr. Leroy supported it with a similar example.

4. According to Klein, a case of amaurosis of two years duration was perfectly cured by same smallpox. This happened because smallpox can produce a similar condition more deeply.

5. Dr. J. Fr. Closs says, “A case of deafness and dyspnoea was permanently cured when the same patient was attacked with severe attack of smallpox. This happened because smallpox can produce similar symptoms”.

6. Klein claims that a case of testicular swelling was cured by inoculation of smallpox because smallpox can produce the same symptoms.

7. Dr. Wendt explains a case of dysentery, which has been controlled by the attack of smallpox. Similarly, Muhry, Hardage, J. Hunter, Bosquillion, etc observed the same accidental homeopathic cures in nature.

8. Hardage and Hunter explained that a case of intermittent fever and half-paralyzed arm was cured when cowpox attacked them. This happened because cowpox has the capacity to produce the above-said symptoms.

9. Bosquillion observed that measles prevented the attack of epidemic whooping cough because measles is a similar stronger disease and it prevented the occurrence of weaker whooping cough. This is due to the partial similarity between the two diseases. This is another example of nature’s law.

10. Another physician called Kortum observed that a patient with chronic skin eruptions was permanently cured by an attack of measles. Because the chief symptom of measles is to produce a rash in a patient.

When two similar diseases meet inside the organism the stronger disease permanently removes the weaker one. An intelligent physician will accept this natural phenomenon. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann observed this in nature. He modified this nature’s law into the safer method called Homeopathy.

So that’s it, for now, we will surely continue this article in our next post Thank you for reading this article hope you have a better idea regarding what happens when two diseases meet in the body

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